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puppy kindy

puppies aged 15weeks - 5months

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Puppy Kindergarten is perfect for puppies who were unable to attend puppy preschool OR their owners would like more socialisation and learning after graduating

puppy school.


Over the space of three weeks you will cover all the fundamental topics from puppy preschool, PLUS enjoy outside adventures, different enrichment games weekly and more socialisation than you can poke a stick at!


3 week course
1 hour per week

Cost - $135 full course fee


** All puppies receive a graduation pack which includes; photo graduation certificate, toy,

    course notes and puppy friends for life!

** up to $40 worth of prizes are given away on graduation night! Woo hoo


Puppies must be vaccinated for their appropriate age and veterinary protocol.

Puppies must have had their first two vaccinations to complete this course. 

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